Volunteer Hosts Needed for 2 Outstanding Exchange Students - Archived

The International Hospitality Center has an urgent need for assistance in placing two exchange students with Volunteer Hosts (single, married,with or without children, empty nesters, partners etc.). They are seeking two hosts for the following students:

TIMUR from Kazakhstan, a FLEX (Future Leaders’ Exchange, full scholarship from the US Dept of State) who would attend the DOE school in the district in which the Host resides. Speaks superior English, Russian. age 16, avid swimmer, plays guitar, gym, basketball, judo, running, loves to read, Math and English. Cooks, happy to help keep home clean and tidy, lives with his mother. Outstanding academically and personally.

LINA from Germany with Russian background, lives in a small town. Father is a computer scientist, mother is self-employed (speaks Russian at home). She likes animals, boardgames, wakeboarding, enjoys dance, acting, reading, plays piano, volunteerism, class president, youth ministry at church, studied Spanish, likes science, bio and philosophy. Lina will attend St. Andrew’s Priory School on a partial scholarship and will commute by public bus daily.

Both students are covered by health, accident and liability insurance, have their own personal spending money for clothing, incidentals, snacks, entertainment, etc, and are highly motivated to become member of their host home.

All hosts are required to be volunteers (no remuneration) by US Dept of State regulation. IHC provides orientation, counselling , support services, monthly activity. It is anticipated that each of the students will arrive in Honolulu on or about the 20th of August.

Hosts can commit to hosting for as little as 6-8 weeks, or Fall Semester. There is a great need for caring hosts to assist in this important soft diplomacy.

For additional information, please call Barbara Bancel, International Hospitality Center at the office from 8AM to 5PM Monday-Friday: (808) 521-3554.

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