Website & Social Media Guide
Welcome to UUHonolulu Media!
Website, Weekly Newsletter, Monthly KukuiLamalama Magazine, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google Photo.
Click the titles below for one page “QuickGuides”:
(click on the image to enlarge, then download and print these guides)
Posting a “News Item”
Posting an “Event” and adding it to the Calendar Website Posts
Uploading Pictures to our “Photo Album”
Adding to or Changing the Menus (tabs on the top nav bar) – Authorized Users Only
Adding and Deleting Slideshow Images, Captions, and Links (scrolling images on the homepage)
Managing Event Registrations and Payments (Ninja forms registration, Stripe payments)
How to Add a Resource to the Media Library and Then to a Page (such as uploading new Board Minutes to the Board Minutes page)
Or follow guides below:Â
To post a News item, log in to the website and write the Post.
Kanoa/webmaster will review and publish it to the homepage News list.
To schedule and publicize an Event, log in and create an Event.
Suzette/office will review and publish it or work out changes as needed and publish it to the homepage Event list and Calendar.
Look for us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google Photos– all with the name “UUHonolulu”. — Rev. Deborah Bond-Upson
UUHonolulu Communications and Website Overview and Training Video (19 minutes, 19 seconds)
UUHonolulu Member User Guide (downloadable PDF version)
10 Key Steps to Engage in Our New Communications
Go to website: either or
Explore, read, reflect– Visit the website, read about our church activities and groups,  get Sunday service info, watch videos or listen to podcasts of sermons.
See the “Member” section on the right side of the main navigation bar. Click on it to show the drop down menu- top item is “Login”
Login, your id = your email address, temporary password = “FUCH2017!”
When you log in you will see a black bar on the top of the website- that gives you “member power” -
Write a News Post, from the +New link on the black bar, click “Post”. Make it short and interesting, include an image if possible. The post will be reviewed and published by webmaster Kanoa. Your post will be on the home page and will go out with the weekly newsletter and possibly social media.
Write an Event Entry, from the + New link, fill in date, category (will determine color coding on the calendar), time, location (church or other, add the room needed in the description.) Your Event will be reviewed, date and room confirmed and published by the office manager, Suzette. Entering an event adds it to the calendar as well as creates an event page, clickable from the calendar. Your event will be in the weekly newsletter and possibly social media.
Make the website current, growing and dynamic! – Add, improve, edit, and add media to website pages. Leaders of committees and others who want to contribute to website development need advanced access. Contact our webmaster, Kanoa Ishihara @  for advanced access to make changes OR for him to make improvements with your input.
Enjoy and Upload Photos to G+, our Google Photo Album. Click the G+ icon in the upper right of the website.
Enjoy and Upload Videos on our YouTube Channel –click the YouTube icon is on the upper right of the website.
Interact on the website and Social Media – Read and comment on the Membership blog in the Member section and on Facebook and Twitter posts from others. Click the Facebook and Twitter icons on the upper right.Â
How to Post on the Website and in the Weekly NewsletterÂ
Go to website: either or
Login, your id (email address) and password (FUCH2017! until you change it)
Click “+ New” on the black ribbon at the top of the website, choose “Post” from the drop down list.
Enter Title:Â be as descriptive as possible. The more intriguing and specific the title, the greater the interest.
Enter a description in the Text Edit box.
Click categories that apply. (eg.”Justice” if it is an SJC event, “Family” if it is for RE, etc.)
Optional: Add “Tags” that will help readers find your event in a search. (eg.”A.D.O.R.E.” “Racial Equity” etc. for Jubilee Training)
How to Post an Event to the Website, Calendar, and Weekly Newsletter
Go to website: either or
Login, your id (email address) and password (FUCH2017! until you change it)
Click “+ New” on the black ribbon at the top of the website, choose “Post” from the drop down list.
Enter Title:Â be as descriptive as possible. The more intriguing and specific the title, the greater the interest.
Enter a description in the Text Edit box. If your event will be at the church, list the room(s) for the event at the bottom.
Where: below the description window, fill in the location details. If you type “First” the full church name and address should autofill.
When: top right of your screen, enter the date and time range for your event.
Click categories that apply. (eg.”Board” if it is a Board event, “Gallery on the Pali” if it is a Gallery event, etc.)
Optional: Add “Tags” that will help readers find your event in a search. (eg. “deep listening” “small group” for Chalice Circle)
UUHonolulu Sharing Messages and Media!
YouTube UUHonolulu1.Click on the YouTube link on the website or-go to YouTube, type in “UUHonolulu.”
2.Choose from over 100 videos, Click the right arrow to the right of featured videos, until you see “View All” Click to see array.
3.Click the Upload icon at the top to add your videos to share with the community.
G+ Â Google Photos UUHonolulu
1.Click on the camera icon link on the upper right of the website or go to Google Photos and type in “UUHonolulu.”
2.Explore the images.
3.Use the upload icon at the top to upload your images to share with the community.