Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd

Hawaiʻi Pōpolo | Black Hawaiʻi

This story-based service explores the patterns of immigration to the Hawaiian islands by Black peoples and the erasure and rediscovery of those journeys. Together, we’ll weave these stories as we learn more about the continuing influence of Black ancestry on Native Hawaiian identity and the practices of this place. Come, let us sing and learn!


We conclude our exploration of the practice of covenanting with a view toward how our congregations transform. Unitarian Universalists welcome all people just as they are, but we do not welcome all behaviors in our communities. At times, we can repair relationships after destructive behaviors occur. Still, sometimes, we must wholly reorient our understanding of … Continue reading Transformation


One of the most challenging features of being in covenant with others is the knowledge that someday, no matter how hard we try, we might let one another down. For this reason, covenant requires a framework for repairing relationships when our impact fails to match our intent. This service invites us to consider possible frameworks … Continue reading Repair

Interdependence Revisited

We would love the chance to welcome you this Sunday at 10:00am for worship and fellowship. For the safety of others during in-person attendance, vaccination & boosters are urged for those who are eligible, and masks are strongly recommended. We will also be streaming Sunday worship via ZOOM (click on the link below) and Facebook.