UU Ministry for Earth April E-News - Archived

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Happy Earth Month! 

The theological grounding of Unitarian Universalism is covenant, which put simply, is a promise to connect. As UUs, we promise to connect to:

  • our own true selves
  • each other in congregations
  • our local communities
  • those most impacted by oppression
  • Earth

When we connect in these ways, relationships are restored and deepened. And we tap into what our Universalist ancestors named as Universal Love; a love that never lets us go. That love fuels us for the journey of creating salvation in this life.

In From What They Dreamed Be Ours to Do: Lessons from the History of the Covenant, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker writes this reflection on covenantal relationships.


During this holy and beautiful Earth Month, UU Ministry for Earth (and our partners) offer many ways to connect so that you may be restored and inspired to be bold.

With much love,

Rev. Kelly Dignan




Earth Day Worship Materials: Protecting What We Love


Are you or your congregation looking for high quality, FREE resources for your Earth Day worship? UU Ministry for Earth’s got you! The theme is “Protecting What We Love”. Find it here along with everything related to Spring for Change here: https://www.uumfe.org/spring-for-change-2024/

In this video, First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh shares collages that capture their most precious things to preserve. The collages are a result of a workshop led by members Mary Schinhofen and Alice Carnes entitled “Envisioning the Future”. It goes so well with our theme this month!


Earth Day Gathering- April 23, 2024


April 23, 2024. 7-8 pm ET| 6-7pm CT| 5-6 pm MT| 4-5 pm PT.
Join UU Ministry for Earth to celebrate Earth Day!  We’ll meet on the Full Moon and find time to ground, recenter, and imagine what is possible for Earth. There will be time for reflection and small group sharing. Zoom link.

Register here so we can remind you.

Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3248332840?pwd=SXVScW1ESzJILy9PMWlkTXVkTnpjZz09


Movement Training for Young Adults

Saturdays in April!  2pm PT/ 1pm MT/ 2pm CT/ 3pm ET, lasting for an hour and a half.

It’s not too late for Young Adults to join in the Movement Training! We have a few sessions left:  April 13th: Creative Non-violent Direct Action | April 20th: Art as a Tool for Collective Liberation | April 27th: Healing and Wellness in Movements. Register here. 


International Day of Biodiversity: Creator as Anchor; Collapse as Teacher –  May 22, 2024


May 22, 7pm ET/ 6 pm CT/ 5pm MT/ 4pm PT
Join UU Ministry for Earth for poetry, song and story to honor International Day for Biological Diversity with Dr. Lyla June Johnston. Register here


Watch the Recording of our World Water Day Event


Here is the recording link.  And stay tuned for Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs and Rev. Karen Van Fossan’s General Assembly program: Water is Life: People over Profits. 


Thanks to our Spring for Change Partners who are promoting and attending all of these events

  • UUA Side with Love
  • UUs for a Just Economic Community
  • UU College for Social Justice
  • UUs for Social Justice
  • JUUstice Washington
  • Texas UU Justice Ministry
  • Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois

Our Financial Sponsors 

  • Side with Love and UU College of Social Justice


UU Climate Justice Revival


We are happy to be one of the primary organizers of the Climate Justice Revival: Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era! The Revival will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action that faithfully breaks down silos and transforms our congregations through inspiring collective worship, creative learning, and new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice. Join kindred congregations across the land this September 28-29 and learn more at  https://www.uuclimatejustice.org.


A Loving Goodbye to Sabrina Louise 

Screenshot%202024-04-09%20at%2011_23_01%E2%80%AFPM.pngFor nearly two decades, Sabrina Louise has been a dedicated, steady and devoted presence with Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth. From opening our office in Portland to coordinating countless mailings, from kind phone calls to supporting book clubs, from supporting plant-based diets to coordinating support for front line protestors, Sabrina has enriched our ministry and faith, and offered an abiding witness for the dignity of all beings. Sabrina shares the following announcement-

“This announcement comes with a heavy heart… After almost 17 years of service, my time with UU Ministry for Earth comes to an end, and I pivot to a full time caregiver role as I look after my aging family. I have enjoyed my time with this organization immensely… It truly has been one of the most rewarding work experiences in my life. I thank all of you for the valuable experience; the important justice work we have accomplished together over the years. I look forward to moments of connection in the future. Blessings for Earth, and her myriad of inhabitants!”- Sabrina Louise  

Thank you, Sabrina, for your faithful presence working to respect life, restore Earth and renew spirit! ❤️


Our address has changed!


Big thanks to First Unitarian of Portland for hosting our ministry for 17 years. Their support and commitment to Earth has been and still is phenomenal. Now that we’re virtual, our mailbox has moved to First Universalist of Denver: 4101 E Hampden Ave, Denver, CO 80222. We hope you’ll update your records and send any mail to that address.



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Tuesday, April 16th 8pm ET /7pm CT/ 6pm. MT / 5 pm PT

RSVP for the event HERE


Environmental Justice for All Act


We Need the Environmental Justice for All Act Take Action: Environmental Justice for All (link corrected)

Congress should pass the A. Donald McEachin Environmental Justice for All Act of 2023 (H.R.1705, S.919). Congress should act on “the moral principle that all people have the right to pure air, clean water, and an environment that enriches life.”  Use our poster at church.


Earth Bill


Ask Your House Member to Support and Cosponsor H.R. 598
Take Action and use our poster for tabling after services.

The Earth Act to Stop Climate Pollution by 2030 (H.R. 598), popularly known as the “Earth Bill,” focuses on electricity, cars, and food as industries in which Americans support change–most Americans agree that our electricity should be renewable, our cars electric, and our food should be produced using healthy practices.

Let’s make noteworthy progress toward sustainability by 2030. As the Center for Biological Diversity reports in “Out Polluting Progress,” under the current approach, it won’t happen.

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We are happy to sponsor this powerful worship service – Choosing Joy! Wednesday, May 8, 2024. 8:00 PM Eastern/5:00 PM Pacific. 

OPEN TO ALL. Please REGISTER and ask your congregation to SPONSOR

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The eclipse experience was magical! 


Here’s some moon energy to keep you going until our upcoming  full moon/ Earth day celebration: Cherry Lavender Moon Milk! The homey blend of oats, spices, and your choice of plant-based milk is perfect for a sleepy-time mug.

Full Recipe here

Visit UU Ministry for Earth online at uuministryforearth.org.
Please support our work.