Fellow UU Requests Help with his Dissertation

Hello, church family. My name is Bryant Moore. I’m a psychology student at Antioch University New England and have been a UU since 2017. I am now working on my dissertation and need adult participants to fill out a short survey at the link below. I am doing this study to develop a measure of well-being based on existential theory, a philosophy that focuses on things like a person’s sense of meaning. For this research, I am looking at whether the measure of existential well-being is related to concerns people often have.

You will be asked questions about physical, social, and psychological health, including your thoughts about mortality, isolation, meaning and purpose, depression, and anxiety. Participation is completely voluntary and may be discontinued at any time. It should take approximately 10-15 minutes. Your answers are anonymous, and I will not know who has participated or be able to link you with your answers. All information you provide will be kept secure. There is no compensation for participation, but I would greatly appreciate your help.

The Antioch University New England Institutional Review Board has approved this study. Should you have any questions about your rights as a participant, contact Dr. Kevin Lyness. He is the Chair of the Antioch University New England Human Research Committee (603)293-2149, klyness@antioch.edu. You may also contact Antioch University New England Provost, Dr. Shawn Fitzgerald, (603)283-2356, sfitzgerald3@antioch.edu.

If you have any questions about this study or participation, please contact Bryant Moore, mooredissertation@gmail.com. This study is being supervised by Dr. Kathi Borden, kborden@antioch.edu.

I hope you will click the link below and help me complete my research project.

Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZQQT6FC

Thank you for your time and help.