Social Justice Council members will have ballots available for members to vote to approve the most recent social justice resolutions BEFORE the worship service on Sunday, August 26th. Each member who turns in a completed ballot will receive a ticket that may be exchanged for a treat after the service. Thank you in advance for your participation.
The 6 resolutions are:
- Humanize, not Criminalize
- End White Supremacy and Forge a Path to Collective Liberation
- Gun Control, School Safety, & Youth Leadership
- Support Sanctuary Churches
- Public Education Equity, Excellence, & Relevance
- Women’s and Men’s Safety from Sexual Assaults, Harassment, & Intimidation
These 6 resolutions were presented at a service in 2017, and they have been posted on the website and bulletin board since then. If you’d like a more in-depth explanation of each, please check out the link to the SJC page below.