UU@UN: 2 days left to register for Spring Seminar - Archived

An important message from the UU@UN.
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2 days left to register

Some are already excited and others are still undecided about registering for the 2021 Intergenerational Seminar, so in this final week of before registration closes March 18 we’ll be highlighting a different Seminar program each day. Today, with 2 days to go, we’re spotlighting the thematic session, held 5:30pm EDT Saturday, April 10. View the full Seminar schedule.

Thematic Session: Ensure Food Security in a World of Changing Climate

This panel conversation will include experts and activists from the United Nations and affiliated organizations with specialized knowledge of global food security, forest preservation, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and intergenerational youth-focused engagement. This program is a highlight that most connects the Spring Seminar with the work of the United Nations.

  • Steve Chiu – Representative, Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation


  • Hawa Diallo – Chief, Civil Society Unit, United Nations Department of Global Communications
  • Charles McNeill – Senior Advisor, Forests and Climate, United Nations Environment Programme
  • Aly Tharp – Program Director, Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
  • Caroline Wimberly – Senior Campaign Manager, 50by40 / Food and Climate Alliance
(Photos of presenters are shown in the image above in order from left to right.)


This and other Seminar programs will connect participants to the climate & food justice movement, equipping them with skills to take action throughout the year as individuals and communities. There will be abundant opportunities for intergenerational dialogue during the Seminar, as well as dedicated time for youth and young adult participants and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & people of color) participants to connect with one another. This year’s Intergenerational Spring Seminar, “All In for Climate Justice: Food Equity and Sustainability,” is in partnership with UU Ministry for Earth, as part of Spring for Change: A Season of Sacred Activism focused on the theme “Pathways to Healing and Regeneration.” Registration is open through March 18 and features flexible rates for equity and accessibility. Please join us!

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