UUA President to Lead February BLUU Worship - Archived

Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism. BLUU. Illustration of raised fist attached to a lightning bolt arm.

February 2024

UUA President Leads BLUU Worship This Sunday

Two Black people with lots wearing protective masks in a museum standing in front of a dinosaur skeleton. Feb. 11  BLUU Worship. “Not in ordinary times”Maybe love should always be a little bit surprising and hard to make sense of, lest it become too ordinary to fully appreciate. WorshIP CO-Leads: Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt UUA President  Rev. Mykal Slack BLUU Community Minister for Worship & Spiritual Care. 4 p.m. Eastern.  Zoom
February Worship: Not In Ordinary Times

With the complexities of relationship we all carry, and in a world not built for our thriving as Black people, finding love filled with more joy and ease than anything else can be surprising. But maybe love like that should always be a little bit surprising and hard to make sense of, lest it become too ordinary to fully appreciate. Join Rev. Mykal Slack and Rev. Dr. SofĂ­a Betancourt as they reflect with BLUU community on love that is not in ordinary time.

About The Worship Leaders:

We’re elated that UUA president, Rev. Dr. SofĂ­a Betancourt, will co-lead BLUU worship this Sunday, Feb. 11, at 4 p.m. Eastern. Rev. Dr. Betancourt will co-lead worship with Rev. Mykal Slack, BLUU’s Community Minister for Worship and Spiritual Care.

The Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt is the tenth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Her twenty-year ministry has included serving as a parish minister, seminary professor, scholar and environmental ethicist, and public theologian. She is a proud BLUU Beloved.

Rev. Mykal Slack is a minister, facilitator, and writer who serves both as BLUU’s community minister for worship & spiritual care and on BLUU’s Organizing Collective Board of Directors. He is also a co-founder of the Transforming Hearts Collective, a group whose focus is on spiritual resilience of LGBTQ+ people and resourcing congregations for the work of radical welcome and culture shift.

Black Sacred Space:

BLUU’s online worship services are Black Sacred Space in their entirety – by and for Black people, with the words and voices of Black folks across the diaspora – and we hope that Black UUs and Black UU-adjacent folks (who share our values) from far and wide will join us!

For our non-Black siblings in faith, please DO share this invitation with Black folks in your life and community. Getting the word out about BLUU’s gatherings and other programming is one powerful way of lending your support, and we deeply appreciate it!

For all of our services, feel free to come into our BLUU Zoom Room as early as 15 minutes before the start of the service to get settled, say hello to the folks who are already gathering, and listen to the music softly playing as we all prepare for our time together.

Sign up for worship here: https://bit.ly/3wYfnjb.

Register for Worship

BLUU Executive Director Featured by

UU Women’s Federation for Monthly Chat

February Community Gathering. February 15, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. Pacific.
BLUU’s Executive Director, Lena K. Gardner, is the featured guest for the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation’s February monthly gathering on Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern. She will share updates about BLUU’s work and how to plug in for support.

The UUWF monthly zoom gathering is a space for UU women and gender nonconforming folks to check in with each other on their justice journeys. They invite all women and nonconforming people to join as they grow and learn from their wider community of activists, advocates, allies, and co-conspirators.

Attend the Event

Enjoy Comedy and Talks about Race?

Join Us for a Feb. Book Discussion

February Gathering. February 24, 2024 on Zoom from 1-2:30 Central. Join us at 12:30 for socializing, checkin in, or just being in comfort with one another. This will be a Black only sacred space. February Topic. Discussion of The World Book of Racist Stories by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar. Where to read: 1.) Check out your local library. 2. Purchase from Chicago and Black-owned bookstore, Semicolon Books. 3.) Purchase where you typically purchase books. Save the date for future gatherings. April 20, June 15, August 17, October 19, December 21, subject to change.
Join BLUUHaven Chicago on February 24 at 2 p.m. Eastern for a Zoom discussion about “The Work Book of Racist Stories” by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar. As its description notes, the book is a “…new collection of hilarious, intergenerational anecdotes full of absurd detail about everyday experiences of racism.”
Join the Discussion

Want to Attend the BLUU

Annual Meeting in March?

Become a BLUU Beloved Today!

A collage of Black Unitarian Universalists in worship or gathering together at meetings. Text says Become a BLUU Beloved
BLUU Beloveds are Black Unitarian Universalists and other Black spiritual people who want to deepen their connection with each other and their commitment to BLUU by becoming members of BLUU.

BLUU Annual meetings are for BLUU Beloveds to ask questions about BLUU’s work, connect with the Organizing Collective Board, and connect with other Beloveds. In order to attend the BLUU annual meeting next month, you must register as a BLUU Beloved beforehand.

Become a BLUU Beloved

Save the Date:

BLUU Beloved Annual Meeting

Black people of many ages sitting in a large circle in a worship space. Text says: BLUU Beloved Annual Meeting. March 10, 2024. 5:30 p.m. Eastern. Virtual gathering. Register for link.
Attention BLUU Beloveds! Please save the date for the BLUU Annual meeting, which will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2024 after BLUU worship at 5:30 p.m. Eastern. More information will be provided soon. The meeting will include information about BLUU’s new structure, updates about the BLUU Housing Initiative, and other reports about BLUU’s work.

Thank You for Supporting Our Match Goal!

We have reached our match goal. Your support helps Black Unitarian Universalists thrive.
Thank you for donating towards BLUU’s year-end donation match. We met our goal of raising $50,000 to unlock the additional $50,000 match.

We couldn’t have done it without you! It’s your support that helps us sustain our efforts.

This has been a particularly rough season in our lives, our communities, and the world. So in addition to folks being able to leave a voicemail or text message on our pastoral care line, BLUU is reinstituting regular office hours to serve the needs of our community. This will be a set time frame during which a Black UU or Black person who shares our values can call into our Pastoral Care Line (984-219-8710) and speak to someone directly, or leave a message to schedule pastoral or spiritual care if the staff person on call is already speaking with someone else. Please note the following office hours:

Albie Johnson, Commissioned Lay Minister:

Fridays at 11a.m. – 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. – 12 noon CT

Rev. Mykal Slack, Community Minister:

Tuesdays at 2-4 p.m. ET/1-3pm ET

Pastoral care is a model of emotional and spiritual support that can be found in all cultures and traditions. People who provide pastoral care offer support to people in their joys, sorrows, and uncertainties associated with specific life events occurring while part of the community in which pastoral caregivers serve. Spiritual care is a multi-faceted model of support in individuals’ search for meaning, purpose, wholeness, and connection in day-to-day life.

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Black Lives UU | BLUU, 165 Western Ave. North, Suite 8,
Saint Paul, MN 55102

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