UUA General Assembly 2022: Announcing the Ware Lecturer! - Archived

June 22-26, 2022
Ibram X. Kendi is the 2022 Ware Lecturer
Photo credit: Stephen Voss
“The opposite of
‘racist’ isn’t ‘not racist.’
It is ‘antiracist.’”
– Ibram X. Kendi
Ibram X. Kendi is author of five straight #1 New York Times bestsellers, including How to Be an Antiracist and the National Book Award-winning Stamped From The Beginning: A Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. In 2020, Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. His relentless and passionate research puts into question the notion of a post-racial society and opens readers’ and audiences’ eyes to the reality of racism in America today. Kendi’s events are sharp, informative, and hopeful, serving as a strong platform for any institution’s discussions on racial discrimination.
Ibram X. Kendi is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University and the founding director of the BU Center for Antiracist Research. He is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a CBS News correspondent.
For more information on Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, please visit www.prhspeakers.com.
Dr. Kendi will deliver the lecture at 4 p.m. Pacific on Saturday, June 25. In-person registration is required to attend the event in Portland, Oregon. In-person or full virtual registration is required to live-stream the event on June 25, or access the video on-demand when it is posted.
A circular button with the word Register
Register Now for GA 2022! GA Registration Rates Increase May 1.
Registration is now open for in-person attendance and virtual attendance. Financial support for registration, lodging credit within the GA housing block, as well as a payment plan are available. In-person registration rates will increase on May 1. Virtual registration rates will increase on May 1.
Reserve Accessibility Equipment
Please reserve your accessibility equipment on the Accessibility Services Request Form by April 30.
IMPORTANT! GA Information from the UUA Board of Trustees
The important governance work of GA has already begun, and your UUA Board wants to make sure you’re aware of a few essential components:
  • The Board’s Pre-GA webinars about the governance process at Multiplatform GA 2022 began about a month ago and will continue through June 4. Pre-register and attend these informational webinars or review the recorded webinars and slide decks in the weeks after they’ve happened live.
  • This year, your Board has opened new Discussion Forums about the business resolutions put forth. Your responses and reflections about the language and meaning of the two proposed resolutions will help the Board with any edits they may want to make prior to the Mini-Assembly on June 11. The Board enthusiastically welcomes your thoughts.
  • The upcoming Business Mini-Assembly will take place on Saturday, June 11 at 4pm ET / 3pm CT / 2pm MT / 1pm PT. More info about registration, etc. will be posted on this page at a later date, but please mark your calendars!
Two GA Worship Services Open to Visitors
COVID guidelines for UUA events, including General Assembly, are subject to change due to evolving factors that we consistently monitor. With that said, please note this change to the Sunday Morning Worship and Service of the Living Tradition: In-person attendance for these services will be complimentary and open to visitors who are fully vaccinated and who are pre-registered no later than 24 hours in advance.
In-person attendees of the Sunday Morning Worship may visit the GA Exhibit Hall after the service. In-person attendees of Service of the Living Tradition must vacate the Oregon Convention Center immediately following the service. Please arrive early to allow time to confirm preregistration and proof of vaccination at the door.
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Flash Poll Results: Social Distancing Solution for In-Person Attendees
As we come together in a large group environment, attendees will have a wide range of comfort levels around physical proximity and touch. We will invite in-person attendees to put a red, yellow, or green sticker on their name badge to let people know your personal comfort level.
Which sticker would you choose to put on your name badge?
  • 16% Red Sticker – 6 feet apart
  • 37% Yellow Sticker – 3 feet apart
  • 47% Green Sticker – within 3 feet
Please secure other peoples’ permission before engaging in any physical acts of greeting, support, or affection. As Unitarian Universalists, we prioritize body autonomy and demonstrate respect for individuals’ rights by creating and supporting a high-consent culture at our gatherings.
Thank you for helping to make our community safe.
Call for Virtual Volunteers
Contribute 18-20 hours before or during GA and receive a fully funded virtual registration. Virtual volunteer teams are forming now:
  • GA App Hosts moderate community discussions
  • Post-Production edit captions and video
  • Pre-Production prepare title slides and graphics
  • Tech Support assist fellow registrants navigating the app and delegate platform
  • Virtual Tellers facilitate delegate discussion during business mini-assemblies and General Sessions
  • Workshop Zoom and Chat Hosts connect presenters with our virtual audience
Safety and Wellness in Portland
In compliance with UUA and Oregon Convention Center guidelines, entry to General Assembly 2022 in Portland, OR is open to people who are fully vaccinated. Additionally, the OCC’s requirement of vaccination extends to all contracted service providers working in the facility. In addition, masking is required and physically distanced seating options will be reserved in our meeting spaces.
The Oregon Convention Center’s COVID-19 Safety Measures page provides parameters by which our GA safety policy is built upon. All GA attendees are required to provide proof of Covid-19 Vaccination for in-person attendance. Exceptions will not be granted for unvaccinated attendees with negative test results. Alternatively, unvaccinated attendees are welcome to register and participate virtually. This policy is congruent with the UUA’s pandemic strategies.
The General Assembly Housing Reservation System is Now Open!
The GA Housing Reservation System offers premium amenities, discounted rates, and the best networking opportunities for in-person GA attendees. By booking in our hotel block, you assist the UUA in effectively controlling meeting space, attrition and penalty fees; all of which directly benefit you and the future of General Assembly. Additionally, the UUA is able to negotiate on behalf of our block of attendees for sustainability and accessibilities requirements. Get a head start on your travel plans and book your housing today on the GA Housing Reservation Page.
Dormitory reservations at Portland State University (PSU) are now available for GA attendees. Make your reservation by visiting the PSU Housing Reservation system.

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