UU Office at the United Nations – Online Events This Week - Archived

An important message from the UUA Office at the UN.
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Quick News from the UU-UNO

We hope you will join us online for some of the events the Unitarian Universalist Office at the UN (UU@UN) is hosting in the next couple of weeks. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all the latest updates and news.

Our Goal of World Community: The United Nations at 75

Thursday, October 22, 2020 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Eastern
Sponsored by the UU@UN, NGO Committee on Human Rights.
This year, the United Nations is celebrating its 75th birthday, and the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the UN, in collaboration with the Canadian Unitarian Council, will be commemorating that anniversary with a special virtual event co-sponsored by the NGO Committee on Human Rights: “Our Goal of World Community: the United Nations at 75.” In the current moment of simultaneous global political, social, economic, health, and climate crises, continued involvement with and investment in international cooperation could not be more critical. During this event we’ll talk about how Unitarian Universalists can make our mark for global justice. Click Event details below to register in advance for this meeting.

Islamophobia and Race: What Are We Afraid Of?

Friday, October 23, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Eastern
Sponsored by the UU@UN, the NGO Committee on Human Rights, Burma Task Force.
Join us for a global conversation on faith-based discrimination and ethnic genocide. This discussion will explore the experiences of the Muslim community worldwide, while examining the intersectional ways in which Islamophobia and racism interact to perpetuate harmful preconceptions and prejudice. Speakers representing Myanmar, Sudan, Tibet, and the United States will reflect on their unique sociocultural identity and how Islamophobia continues to intricately impact multiple dimensions of their lives. As we interrogate structural and interpersonal bias against those who practice Islam, we should be asking ourselves: What are we afraid of? Click Event details below to register in advance for this meeting.

UU the Vote for Climate Justice

Sunday, October 25, 2020 | 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM Eastern
A UN Sunday, Create Climate Justice, UU the Vote event.
This webinar will delve into how the U.S. election affects climate justice work internationally through our UU Office at the UN, and locally through the New Florida Majority’s climate justice organizing efforts. Aly Tharp from UU Ministry for Earth will facilitate the webinar and featured presenters include Joanne PĂ©rodin, Climate Justice Program Manager of The New Florida Majority; Nicole Pressley, National Campaign Manager for UU the Vote; and Allison Hess from our UUA International Office. During this webinar, UUs will be asked to show up for the upcoming Florida phonebank on October 27 where we’ll be mobilizing Black and Latinx voters as well as expanding the coalition of voters in the state ready to #votelove in 2020 and put issues like police accountability, climate, and economic justice at the top of their priorities when they go to the polls.
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This work is made possible by the generosity of member congregations and individual donors.

2 Responses to “UU Office at the United Nations – Online Events This Week - Archived

    1. Hi, I have tried emailing you at the email you provided but it bounced back “because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.” Please provide an updated address? Thank you.

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