Our Goal of World Community: The United Nations at 75
Thursday, October 22, 2020 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Eastern
Sponsored by the UU@UN, NGO Committee on Human Rights.
This year, the United Nations is celebrating its 75th birthday, and the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the UN, in collaboration with the Canadian Unitarian Council, will be commemorating that anniversary with a special virtual event co-sponsored by the NGO Committee on Human Rights: “Our Goal of World Community: the United Nations at 75.” In the current moment of simultaneous global political, social, economic, health, and climate crises, continued involvement with and investment in international cooperation could not be more critical. During this event we’ll talk about how Unitarian Universalists can make our mark for global justice. Click Event details below to register in advance for this meeting.
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