Speaker: Rev. Carol Amos

Human Rights Day

Take a break from the busyness of this holiday season and lift your voice in recognition of the fundamental rights of every human being on Earth. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations on December 10, 1948. We will celebrate the UDHR in anticipation of its 71st anniversary by reading … Continue reading Human Rights Day

I Say Yes

When one says “yes”, an infinite number of possibilities open to them. Yes means to be open for all good to flow our way.

The Message Is in the Music

We will look together at the some of the music and songs that tell the story of bondage of slavery while we also explore the hidden, deep, and liberating messages in these songs that might lead the way for all to be free.

Who Am I?

The power of naming is profound. It is reserved in many faiths for the very Gods. We will learn the painful journey of ways names can be used as weapons and understand more deeply the power of so many spirits that overcame these attacks.