Social Justice Corner, December 2, 2020
- Good news: Jackie Burke, Social Justice Co Chair and delegate from the Kalihi Palama Hawaiian Civic Club attended the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention (held on zoom). She reports 26 Hawaiian clubs in the islands and 17 clubs on the continent passed a resolution to formally proclaim they are “STANDING IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE BLACK COMMUNITY IN THEIR STRUGGLE FOR SOCIAL, CHANGE, JUSTICE, EQUITY AND EQUALITY.”
- If you have not already, Please Like and Follow the new Social Justice Council & ADORE facebook page:  “Hawaii Justice Action Now”. Our focus is criminal justice reform in Hawai’i and the reallocation of state funds/energy from building a $500 million dollar jail to much needed community resources such as mental health care, rehabilitation, education, and housing. Please share widely with your network so that we can boost our following and community reach.
- The Social Justice Council fully supports Faith Action for Community Equity’s “Carbon Cashback” as a legislative priority for 2021, but more support is needed. Please attend the next meeting, via zoom, Thursday December 3rd at 5:30 to learn how we can stimulate the economy, provide a financial benefit to most low income households, and reduce carbon emissions. It’s not too good to be true. Passcode: gogreen; meeting ID 815 0447 4453. Â
- Still looking to do more to increase voter turnout in the Georgia senate runoff elections? ReClaim Our Vote offers the following:
December 3 – Briefing on Georgia Don’t miss it! Come hear the latest with two leaders of the Atlanta NAACP. Please sign up here.
Only 4 More Days to Call to Register Voters We have only until December 7 to call voters of color who may have been deregistered asking them to check their registration.  Check Phone Bank Central for the updated video and guidelines – as well as all phone bank resources including training and the calendar of events. Join us on Zoom to make these calls together, or make calls anytime. Â
Check out our new Volunteer Dashboard! Bookmark it! It has all the links you will ever need… Volunteer Dashboard
- In closing, thank you for your interest in Social Justice Corner and for reading to the end of this week’s submission. If you have time, please leave a comment. Has the content inspired you to take an action (or two)? Or is it too long? Or too _____? We appreciate any feedback so we may improve our efforts to engage the congregation and serve this community.  Â