Social Justice Corner - Archived

Climate Strike:  Join us this Friday at the Capitol Building, 4-5pm – for a socially distanced climate action demonstration. We need change now!  Climate change is not your fault!  It’s blatantly obvious that big business/industry/government/military is directly or indirectly responsible for the vast majority of climate causing emissions.
But they want you to take shorter showers (watch “Forget Shorter Showers” on YouTube), recycle, buy solar panels, etc, when they won’t change the way they do business? We can’t solve climate change as individuals alone, we need new policy and laws to force govt and big biz to change! Join us as we send a message at the capitol that we demand climate action now!


Advocate for a pathway to citizenship.

The Biden administration has proposed a rule to protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program from future legal challenges. While this rule would help to lessen uncertainty for thousands of aspiring Americans, it falls short of laying out a pathway to citizenship and ensuring work permits.

Submit a public comment through Scripted comments are not counted. In your own words:

  • Let DHS know why you support preserving and expanding eligibility for the DACA program, which provides deportation protection and work permits for nearly 600,000 Dreamers.
  • Advocate for including a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, so Dreamers can live in this country without the stress of biannual renewals and fear of deportation.
  • Call for the incorporation of work authorization into the protections, to ensure DACA recipients aren’t blocked from obtaining work permits in the future.

If you complete this action from the Americans of Conscience website, please check the tally box here so they can record their impact!


Support Indigenous academic achievement.

Source: Brett Mooswa, AIS

Join the 27 Americans of Conscience who have completed this action by checking the tally box here!

Indigenous comedian Brett Mooswa is partnering with American Indian Services to fund a $5000 scholarship for Indigenous youth. In Brett’s words, “We can make this happen—together.”


If you complete this action from the Americans of Conscience website, please check the tally box here so they can record their impact!


Include methane-producing industries under the Clean Air Act.

Contact: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) via the Ask a Question Form.

Script: Hello, I’m contacting you from [STATE] to encourage the regulation of industrial meat and dairy companies. These operations account for 13% of total U.S. methane emissions, and their current environmental practices negatively and disproportionately impact people in rural and marginalized communities. I am asking the EPA to protect people’s health and our environment by listing and regulating industrial dairy and hog operations under section 11 of the Clean Air Act.

If you complete this action from the Americans of Conscience website, please check the tally box here so they can record their impact!

Preparing for the COP26: Your Actions and the UN Climate Summit

Thursday, October 28 4pm PT / 5 MT / 6 CT / 7pm ET
Hosted by UU Ministry for Earth & the UUA Office at the United Nations (UU@UN)

Join UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) & the UUs at the United Nations (UU@UN) as we discuss “Getting Ready for COP26,” a model UN event focused on understanding how the COP 26 Climate Summit in Glasgow will work, priorities, how to participate remotely and what to expect.

Register Here

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