Remembrance of George Harris - Archived

The First Unitarian Church recently received a generous bequest from the estate of George Harris.  George joined the church in 1973.  He loved to sing and was a member of the choir for many years.  George was a good cook and would cheerfully sharpen all our knives as we started chopping for the next big church event.  He was also very concerned about social justice issues and served on our church’s Public Affairs Council (which helped keep us informed about current events in the community).

His partner of many years was Diane Peters, who was not a Unitarian, but often attended church events with George.  He worked for many years at Pearl Harbor before retiring.  George died several years ago of injuries received in a tragic fall near his home at the Marco Polo.  Because he was also a U.S. Navy veteran, George was memorialized at the Punchbowl National Cemetery in a small private ceremony and his ashes are interred there.  We are grateful he demonstrated his commitment to the church by including it in his financial planning.

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