Register Now for the PWR Transitions Team Town Hall! - Archived

Dear previous attendees of District and/or Regional Assemblies,

We, members of your Pacific Western Region Transitions Team, are extending a special invitation to you to join us for our Regional Town Halls on Zoom, Tuesday, October 17, 6-8pm Pacific/7-9pm Mountain/5-7pm Alaska/3-5pm Hawaii, and Saturday, October 21, 10am-12pm Pacific/11-1 Mountain/9-11am Alaska/7-9am Hawaii. Our goal is to gather feedback on our ideas for the future of the region and to see what ideas, hopes, and dreams you might have for a new Pacific Western Region that more fully supports and connects its communities.

There will be opportunities for you to participate in online polls, and in conversations with members of other communities in our Region. Our goal is to engage with UUs throughout the Region in ways that will give you a voice in the future of our Region, from programs offered by our Regional staff to our upcoming Pacific Western Regional Assembly, April 19-20, 2024, at First Universalist Church of Denver.

Here are ways that you can help:

  • share this video with your congregation this Sunday, and/or share it to your social media and congregation’s website
  • Include this announcement in your congregation’s bulletin this Sunday
  • Share this email with those in your congregation who can also be partners in helping get the word out about the Town Halls
  • Register for the Town Hall at this link and encourage others in your congregation to do the same.

If you have any questions, please contact

We look forward to working with you in making the Pacific Western Region the best it can be for all of us!

Yours in service,

The Pacific Western Region Transitions Team

Mary Nordhagen
Rhoda Whitney
Libby Fitzgerald
Bob Miess
Keith Strohmaier
Rev. Ian Evison, Project Manager for Regionalization
Rev. Carlton E. Smith, Lead – Pacific Western Region

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