Did you know we have a Unitarian book club of long standing, calling ourselves The PageTurners? We discuss one book each month, democratically agreeing on our selections. Our group size includes 8 or 10 which is “welcoming” for wide-ranging, open discussions.
We select books (fiction and nonfiction) which are easily available (in the Hawai’i public libraries, book stores and Amazon.com). Participants are not required to have read a selection to participate (although most of us do).
We meet on Zoom the first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 o’clock Hawai’i time. Meetings end at 5:30 p.m. in time for dinner.
Contact Jim Skouge for more information: jskouge@hawaii.edu
ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8083419664?pwd=eW1MSUpaV2ZjMElLcVpQK21FbzVrdz09