New Resources for Worship, Reflection and Activism - Archived

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UUA Newsletter
Unitarian Universalist Association
April 2023
two yellow, black and brown-colored birds build a nest hanging from a tree branch

At this time of year, the season unfolds and spring is emerging in earnest here in the northern hemisphere. Holidays, rituals and celebrations are bringing together individuals and families in spiritual community. We find solace and inspiration in one another for continuing the faithful work of building a world where all people are welcome, celebrated and can thrive. In this newsletter, we share new resources to mark springtime holidays, honor the Earth, and continue to organize in solidarity with directly impacted communities to demand full equity and inclusion of all – and especially for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ individuals, children and families.

With you on the journey,


P.S. There’s still time to submit your suggestions online by April 30 for public discussion for revisions to the Article II Study Commission’s proposal. Delegates can learn how to submit amendments online at Stay tuned for details on amendment discussion workshops to come in May.

You can also meet the candidate for UUA President at the next presidential forum on April 29, with two more forums to come in May and June. Learn more and register at

Rachel Walden supports UUA Communications as senior manager for digital & marketing strategy. When she’s not brainstorming content with her colleagues, you’ll likely find her outside.
Image of Rachel Walden
Rev. Dr. Petr SamojskĂ˝, of the Prague Unitarian Congregation, shares a Flower Communion Prayer by Rev. Norbert ÄŚapek.
This year marks the 100th year of celebrating the Flower Communion in Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities. Get access to a collection of videos, music and other resources to use in worship for celebrating this beloved ritual honoring the interconnectedness and diversity in our community. Bookmark the page and look for even more resources available after May 1.
Centennial Resources
In this season, there are many ways to connect with nature and our planet through worship, witness and organizing. UU Ministry for Earth offers a full worship service celebrating Earth Day. Join them live online on April 20 or download the service, in part or in whole, for use in your own congregation or community’s Earth Day events.
Earth Day Worship
Unitarian Universalists know that it takes courageous commitment and hard work to build Beloved Community. That means showing up in opposition to and calling out racism, injustice and authoritarianism, just as UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray did earlier this month in response to the expulsion of two Black State Representatives in the Tennessee House of Representatives.
Protect Democracy
When Unitarian Universalists come together, we are powerful. We make an impact when we take action to affirm the dignity and inherent sacredness of LGBTQIA+ people, especially transgender and nonbinary children and adults who have recently been targeted by dehumanizing and criminalizing legislation in states across the U.S. Side With Love has an in-depth toolkit to support congregations in this critically important work, including a Letter-to-the-Editor template to help amplify UU voices in local press.
Trans Solidarity Toolkit
Unitarian Universalism offers a welcoming and inclusive community where people of all identities, faith practices and backgrounds can thrive. Authentic Selves is a groundbreaking new book from UUA publisher Skinner House Books, filled with depictions of the joy and community celebrated by transgender people and their families. Pre-order your copy today.
Authentic Selves
In partnership and solidarity, the UUA continues to develop new ways to support accessibility and inclusion in Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities. LeaderLab is now offering a new series of interviews and live Q&As on neurodivergence, neurotypicality and addressing ableism from a variety of perspectives and topics. Join the conversation online.
Neurodiversity Series
The UUA ‘s collection of free digital resources is always evolving. As Unitarian Univesalists come together in discernment around revisions to Article II of our UUA bylaws, we have developed a variety of video resources to support this process. Access the full playlist of Article II resources on our YouTube channel, subscribe to the channel for more updates, and let us know in the comments what other content would be helpful.
Article II Video Playlist

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