The Music Ministry Team would like feedback on the role of music in worship on Sundays. We hope that everyone, regardless of whether you attend services on Sundays or not, will participate individually. This information will help us in our consideration of how to shape the music portion of the service going forward. The survey is meant to be anonymous, though there are places where you can identify yourself if you want to be in contact with us.
You can also contact the Music Ministry Team outside of the survey by speaking to Beth Beyers, Dennis Graue, Leslie Horn or Nan Kleiber. Click on the button below to participate. The survey includes 17 questions and takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. If you prefer a survey in paper form, they will be available on the Welcome Table on Sundays or can be mailed to you. Thank you for your participation.
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Much of my reason for attending church is because of thewonderful music we have NOW. Don’t mess with a very good thing please.