Leading and learning - Archived

The Nominating Committee is now a team rather than a committee.  As part of the Widening the Circle effort It will change it’s paradigm – rather than meeting a few months before the annual meeting to find members to fill open slots on the Board and other elected positions – we will work year round to offer/direct members to classes that will inspire us all to develop as leaders in church and in our lives.  We all aspire to grow.  Let’s grow together.
We will begin by attending “Leading from the Heart” Workshops offered by the UUWestern Region on line and conducting one-on-one meetings with everyone to “just get to know you better”.
No, we will not strong arm you into doing something you are not interested in but we will be sure you feel like you belong and are an essential part of our community.
Contact any on the team for more information.
The Nominating Team is made up of Nancy Schildt, Nan Kleiber, Lee Curran, Bill Scarvie, Theresa Moorleghen and Catherine Graham.
–Catherine Graham

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