Each year we pass out Guest at Your Table boxes to raise money for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). The UUSC came together after World War II in an effort to help displaced people return to their homelands. The UUSC placed flaming chalices in their windows to give a sign that this place was safe to come to for help. Over the years since, it has built presence in lands that needed help. The major project we are working on now is to help refugees, particularly the Rohingya people from Myanmar. Their method is to train native people to help their own people and to give them the resources for the needed help.
We passed out our Guest at Your Table boxes on Stone Soup Sunday. We hope you will bring them in filled with money. Every amount more that $125 will be doubled by the Shelter Rock Unitarian Church, so if you write a check for that much or more, it will be doubled. If you send in money, we will group it with other money to make amounts that will be doubled. If you send in a smaller check, please write it to First Unitarian Church of Honolulu and put UUSC in the bottom left corner. Your Social Justice Committee looks forward to your bringing in your full box or your check on the first or second Sunday in February, the 4th or the 11th.
Any questions, contact Nancy Young.