Gallery on the Pali Upcoming Exhibit – Lauryn Assata Ford - Archived

Honolulu’s Gallery on the Pali announces an  exhibition of paintings by Lauryn Assata Ford.

The exhibition will run May 5, 2019, through Friday, May 17 at GOTP, located at the First Unitarian Church at 2500 Pali Highway.

Gallery Hours (Closed Monday and Saturday): Tuesday through Friday 9 am – 2 pm, and Sundays 9 am to 1 pm.

ABOUT THE EXHIBIT: Lauryn Assata Ford says “I use art as a way of expressing my thoughts and ideas.  I’ve been creating art in some form or another for 10 years.  I like to create miniatures, design and sew clothes, play the piano, make short films, and paint.  Artistic expression is my way of communicating powerfully.  Over the past year I have taken drawing and painting classes at Honolulu Museum of Art and presently have some of my work on display at HMA in the Spring Young Artist Exhibition.  I’ve also been taught by freelance artist.

I like to use acrylic paint more than any other medium because I like the way I can get the colors to pop.  My work varies: I like to sketch faces, landscapes, still life, or whatever inspires me at the moment.  Some artist that I’ve been inspired by include: Lorna Simpson, Romare Bearden, Basquiat, Henri Matisse,  Pablo Picasso. I hope that you find beauty in my work and that you are inspired to create your own.

 For more  information, please call the First Unitarian Church Office  at (808) 595-4047 or e-mail On the web @

2 Responses to “Gallery on the Pali Upcoming Exhibit – Lauryn Assata Ford - Archived

  1. Looking forward to seeing your expression of your thoughts and feelings through art.

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