Members of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu who are artists are invited to show their art at Gallery on the Pali for 3 weeks in July of this year. Members of the Gallery committee will also be participating. Art you submit must be created by you, not art from your personal collection created by another. All art must be two dimensional (flat) and suitable for hanging on the wall. Depending on turn out you may hang one or more works.
All art must meet gallery standards and subject to approval by the gallery committee
Art to hang must be brought to the gallery on Friday July 8th between 2 and 5pm. You must help hang the art. Materials will be provided. Art must be taken down Friday July 29th between 2 and 5pm
There will be an open-to-the-public reception at the Gallery Saturday evening, July 9th, from 6 to 8pm. The gallery will be advertised as open on Mondays, July 11th, 18th, and 25th from noon to 4pm for the public to attend.
If interested please respond to and/or call Marshall Heaney at 951-788-8327 during reasonable business hours.
M. Heaney
Gallery on the Pali Committee, Chair