Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
The Board of Directors of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu is honored to announce that Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd has agreed to accept the position of Executive Minister of Religious Education effective January 15, 2023. Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd will be assuming the combined positions of Minister and Director of Religious Education as the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu seeks to widen its outreach to Hawaii’s diverse communities. Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd possesses the unique qualifications of an ordained UUA Minister and a Doctorate in Organization Change in addition to his two decades of religious education experience.
In preparation for the arrival of Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd the Board will be initiating the establishment of a Transition Team consisting of non-Board church members to advise and assist the Minister in his relocation to Hawaii and introduction to the Congregation. The Minister will be teleconferencing with the members of the Worship Team and Religious Education Committee in advance of his arrival on-island to begin the coordination of upcoming worship services and RE programs as soon as holiday schedules allow.
The combination of the ministerial and religious education roles will create an unprecedented opportunity to develop new and dynamic worship experiences for the congregation and the larger Hawaii community. The Church has spent significant effort in the past with Vision Teams and the Future Shapers project to prepare for this moment. The selection of Rev. Dr. Carrow-Boyd was guided by these efforts to develop a new church experience that imagined a more dynamic connection between our Unitarian Universalist principles and the community that we live in. It is our sincere hope that we can be as good as we imagined we could be.
The FUCH Board of Directors would like to express its thanks to the Search Committee and Contract Committee for their efforts in this successful effort.
Herman V. Von Holt Trust
The FUCH Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the FUCH has received a gift of $579,445.49 from the Herman V. Von Holt Trust. The current plan of the Board is to withhold a portion of the received funds to cover any operating shortfalls with the balance to be transferred to our UUA Investment fund. Additional information and plans to be forthcoming.
Christmas Eve AND Regular Christmas Day Service
Christmas Eve doors open at 5:00pm. At 6:00pm Family Service with Grinch Story and singing and candles followed by cookies and/or pupus to share. Christmas Day the Worship Team will share a poem by Dr. Maya Angelou: Amazing Peace.