Faith Action for Community Equity: Environmental Task Force - Archived


The Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission states that “putting a price on carbon is the most effective single action that will achieve Hawaii’s ambitious and necessary [greenhouse gas] emissions reduction goals.”  That means putting a fee on gas, oil, coal, and other fossil fuels because of the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases they emit when they are burned.  

Faith Action’s Environmental Justice Task Force has voted to support federal legislation proposed by the Citizens Climate Lobby that would put a fee on fossil fuels.  The money collected from the fee would be distributed directly to the American people like the recent federal stimulus checks.  This will reward consumers and producers for becoming more environmentally friendly.   For more information, see:

The Environmental Justice Task Force also supports legislation for Hawaii that adopts concepts from the federal law proposed by the Citizens Climate Lobby.  The Task Force intends to advocate for this state legislation in the upcoming session of the State Legislature.

Anyone who is interested in joining this community organizing and advocacy effort may contact Matt Geyer at

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