Countdown to the MEB - Archived

The MEB, aka, Middle Eastern Bazaar is  scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd, at First Unitarian, from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.

How can you help?!?!?

BUY/SELL TICKETS. Tickets are just $45 each and if you buy 3 or more, they are discounted to $40 each. Visit the Ticket Table (Greeters’ Table) after Church or contact Sue Yamane-Carpenter, 808-258-8968,

VOLUNTEER. Check out the Ticket Table for the Volunteer Opportunities Sheet. Fill it out and give it to Nancy Schildt or contact Nancy, 808-225-2744,

DONATE. Please help by donating Auctions Items, e.g., baked goods, art, trips, meals, house cleaning, secretarial services, computer tutoring etc. Let your imagination go wild. We will also need WINE, BEER & APPLE JUICE for the Bar. Contact: Catherine Graham, 808-741-4317,

This is our main fundraiser for the year. Please help make it a success. Bring your family (there will be free childcare). Bring your friends.

While we cannot guarantee transport by Magic Carpet, we will provide tantalizing food and beverages, fascinating, personal tarot card readings (at a small extra cost), auctions galore, a raffle and entertainment featuring Master Storyteller, Jeff Gere and his Arabian Nights Shadow Puppet Show.

All proceeds will be used to fulfill our Mission: to boldly grow Compassion, Justice and Joy within our Faith Community and throughout our Hawaii Ohana.