From Contract to Called Ministry - Archived


Rev. T.J. FitzGerald, our minister, is currently on a contract with us for the second year.  Now the Board and other leaders would like to the congregation to discern whether we would like to proceed to call T.J to become our settled minister.  T.J. must discern if committing to a long-term relationship with the congregation is the best course for all concerned, given the dynamics experienced in the contract period and his personal call to serve the Unitarian Universalist faith.  Together, the congregation and minister must assess whether vision, leadership and financial resources are sufficiently robust to sustain new and ongoing progress in a settled ministry.  The working relationship between and contract minister and a called minister arises from a sense of calling to a profession of faith and service and a life of meaning.  A called minister is one who has been formally voted upon by the congregation to stay in relationship for an indefinite period of time in contrast to being contracted for a specified period of time, or in an annually renewable position.  The congregation  chooses (calls) the minister to stay, creates a covenant, and agrees to work together in a mutually defined and agreed upon ministry designed specifically for our congregation.

A called minister becomes less like a consultant and evolves into a vested leadership partner, mutually engaged with the congregation for the fulfillment of its long-term mission. (From the UUA document on From Contract to Call)


VOTE FOR OUR TASK FORCE MEMBERS on Sept.30.  Quorum Required

October, 2018:  Use our Future Shapers Aspirations and meet in small, facilitated, groups to discern how having a minister would be involved or improve upon goals.

November:  The Call Process Task Force (elected at the Congregational Meeting on Sept. 30), presents a summary report to the Board, the minister and the congregation.

December:  A congregational vote is taken on call.  If affirmative, the minister accepts or declines. 

4 Responses to “From Contract to Called Ministry - Archived

  1. Messiah is exactly what T.J. does NOT want. He is totally into shared ministry.

  2. I experience T. J. as dedicated, inspirational, caring, and committed to the well being of us, the people, and the FUCH / UUA principles. Leader, yes, savior, no.

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