Since it is now unlikely that HB 134 will get a committee hearing we are supporting HB 1319 Â carbon fee and tax credit instead with some amendments. HB 1319 was heard by the Energy & Environmental Protection Committee last Tuesday, 2/9/2021 and thanks to all of you who provided written & oral testimony, it has passed through to the second committee, and will be heard by Consumer Protection & Commerce on Tuesday, February 16 at 2:00 pm. This means written testimony is due by Monday at 2:00 pm. You must submit written testimony to be allowed to register to give oral testimony.
We hope we can depend on you to provide testimony in support of HB 1319. Faith Action for Community Equity Environmental Justice Task Force will be supporting HB 1319 with written & oral testimony and will be asking for some amendments, most importantly that all the carbon tax collected be returned to Hawaii residents. HB 1319 needs your support!
Written testimony is due by Monday, February 15, 2021 by 2:00 pm (24 hours before the hearing) and you can submit it here: Measure Status ( and click on Submit Testimony.
When submitting your written testimony, it will ask you how you want to testify and you select one of the radio buttons for: “Remotely during the hearing and submitting written testimony” or “Written testimony only”.
To testify live, via Zoom, see RemoteTestimony.pdf (
Mahalo for your time and attention and hope to see your written testimony and/or Zoom “see” you on Tuesday!
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