Dear Members,
This is a brief reminder that to be eligible to cast your vote in the upcoming June 4th Annual Meeting you must have fulfilled the membership requirements pursuant to Article II of the current Bylaws which state:
- Any person who has completed a Board authorized orientation process, is in sympathy with the stated purposes of the Church, and who so declares by signing the Register of Members and by making an annual pledge of financial support, shall become an Active Member beginning 30 days thereafter. Such a person shall remain an Active Member for 366 days after his or her last reconfirming pledge. Reinstatement of Active Membership shall be immediate upon making a recorded pledge of financial support within one year of inactive status; if more than one year, there shall be a 30-day waiting period.
- Active Members residing on O`ahu, shall be designated O`ahu-resident Members. Quorum requirements at any Congregational Meeting shall be based on the number of O`ahu-resident Members at the time.
- A member in any category may resign in writing to the President, Secretary, or the Minister.
The membership criteria “making an annual pledge of financial support” is taken to mean a recorded financial payment received by the Church of any amount in the past 366 days. Therefore, to be eligible to vote on June 4, 2023, the Church must have received a recorded payment no later than June 4, 2022. You may immediately reactivate your membership within one-year of becoming inactive by making a recorded pledge (payment). If you have been inactive for more than one-year, there will be a 30-day waiting period.
We will have a list of eligible voting members available shortly.
Dave Hafner
Board President