Author: Catherine.Graham

JETPIG to the Rescue

With the passage of Article II at this year’s GA, we UU’s have a new set of 6 values that define our religion.  But how to remember them?  Well, some well-meaning UUs have come up with a pneumonic – JETPIG.  What do you think? Watch this fun video and weigh in.

Aloha, David Friedman

The following poem, written by David Friedman, shows off his genius with words (in addition to his painting).  It was read at his Celebration of Life Service last Sunday and seems to encapsulate his spirit perfectly. End Game Lament or, I’ve Never Been This Old Before in My Life by David Friedman I’m running out … Continue reading Aloha, David Friedman

Volunteer Opportunities

Have you been wondering how to get more involved with our church community?  A great way to start is to help out one Sunday a month. There are 2 very important tasks that could use your help: Parking Attendant You arrive between 9:00 and 9:30am, put out parking cones to delineate where people should park, … Continue reading Volunteer Opportunities