Anti-Racism Action Update – UU National and UUHonolulu - Archived

UUWhiteSupremacy TeachIns

We were one of over 680 Unitarian Universalist congregations—more than 65 percent of the denomination’s 1,038 congregations—conducting TeachIns last spring.

Now UU churches across the country are holding fall TeachIns on October 15th and 22nd. Our fall plans are more extensive and are listed below. Click here for the UUTeachIn website supporting the ongoing Anti-Racism work across the denomination.

8th Principle

UUHonolulu is one of the few churches to adopt the 8th principle, perhaps more churches will follow this fall.


A.D.O.R.E. (A Dialog On Race and Ethnicity)

Our spring UUWhiteSupremacy TeachIn galvanized continued work and our A.D.O.R.E. group is active and growing. A.D.O.R.E. meets monthly, provides films, discussions, and the planning group is facilitating the two and a half day Jubilee Anti-Racism training.  Here is a link to “The Massie Affair” documentary we watched as a group earlier this month.

Jubilee Anti-Racism Training, Nov 9-11th

The Jubilee Planning Team has been enthusiastically planning for the upcoming Jubilee Anti-Racism workshop presented by Paula Cole Jones and two professional anti-racism trainers from the mainland. We are all very excited to engage in this very meaningful and important event, which will empower us to take action, to stand up to racism. 41 of the maximum 45 places are filled—there is still time to join! Visit our Jubilee webpage for information and to register.

Sunday Nov 12th – A very important day for all to be in church!

10:00 am    Service “Democracy is about Faith in Humanity” by Paula Cole Jones

11:15am     Potluck Lunch

12:30pm     Talk Back Session

After Paula’s sermon, you are invited to a potluck lunch in the sanctuary. This will be a good chance to speak to Paula and the two trainers informally. After the potluck lunch, the Talk-Back session will give us all a time to discuss the sermon, congregational Anti-Racism efforts, and the Jubilee workshop.It would be great -but not necessary- if you could bring something for the lunch. If so please email to tell us what you will bring.

We hope you can participate!

— A.D.O.R.E. and the  Social Justice Council