Annual Meeting Budget Presentation - Archived

Our congregation’s Treasurer, Mike Mottl, will present the Proposed Balanced Budget for 2019-20.

Sunday, May 5.  11:30-12:30 In the Sanctuary.

This Budget was prepared with input from all committees.  We also projected the new fiscal year’s budget based on actual expenditures from the previous year.

When we vote to accept this budget at the Annual Meeting on May 19. there will be no line item vetos.  This early meeting is the time to question any specifics.

Copies of the proposed budget will be available in the office or on the greeting table.  Any questions may be addressed to any Board member.

Nancy Schildt, President

Sue Yamane Carpenter, V.P

Laurel Zeri, Secretary

Mike Mottl, Treasurer

Directors:  Allison Jacobs, Bill Scarvie, Troy Underbrink