Announcement from the UUA Secretary about the 2023 Election for UUA President - Archived

Join us online or in-person in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Freedom Corner monument in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Celebrates Black History
There is extensive significance in the role that Black communities have played throughout the history of Pittsburgh and Southwestern Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh is celebrating these achievements during Black History Month with special programming in February and exhibits and locations you can visit all year long.
An Announcement from the UUA Secretary
UUA Secretary Bill Young has announced that a referendum election on the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt’s nomination will be held this year. Rev. Dr. Betancourt was nominated by the UUA Presidential Search Committee on November 15, 2022 and accepted the nomination. As previously announced, a second candidate identified by the Presidential Search Committee did not accept the nomination.
From December 1, 2022 through February 1, 2023 there was a period where individuals were able to become a candidate for UUA President by receiving petition signatures from fifty congregations in three regions of the Association. As of the petition deadline on February 1, no petitions were submitted.
Learn more about the 2023 UUA Presidential election process, including upcoming regional forums where members and delegates can learn more about Rev. Dr. Betancourt, on our website.
Book Your GA Airfare
Prices for roundtrip airfare to Pittsburgh International Airport will cost between $200 – $400 depending on your airport of origin. Statistics show that airfare prices have increased since 2020, and booking rates are likely to double in price 90-days prior to your departure. Save money and book early! Most airlines also offer flight insurance, which will protect you in the instance of unforeseen changes to your travel plans.
Rates below are roundtrip based on a Tuesday 6/20 arrival, Sunday 6/25 departure
this is a table with roundtrip rates to Pittsburgh. Click on the image to open an Excel spreadsheet with this info
Looking for a GA Roommate to Share Expenses?
Attending General Assembly in-person this year? Interested in finding a roommate to share the cost of housing? The GA Room Share Board is a resource for anyone. Simply fill out the form below and you’ll automatically be added to the Room Share Board. There, you can browse the list of others interested in room shares, and reach out directly to discuss options.
GA Housing Reservation System is Now Open!
The UUA has contracted rooms at specific hotels near the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. These properties have agreed to offer competitive rates to GA attendees as well as rebates and other incentives that will reduce the overall cost of hosting GA in Pittsburgh. By booking with the GA housing block, you help the UUA meet this goal. Additionally, you benefit from reservation management and customer service offered by Connections Housing.
Reserve your housing today! To book your room today, visit the GA Housing Reservation System. Any reservations canceled after May 22 will be subject to a $50 cancelation fee. The housing reservation system will close for new reservations on May 23.
Submit a Proposal for the GA Virtual Poster Fair
You are warmly invited to submit a proposal for inclusion in the 2023 GA Virtual Poster Fair. Stories, initiatives, and examples of inspiring work in Unitarian Universalism will be featured in the Virtual Poster Fair, available to GA registrants through the General Assembly App by Whova. Selections will be made based on the quality of proposals, embrace of diversity and inclusion, potential to provide attendees with concrete and usable tools, and the balance of multiple identity-based and theological perspectives. View last GA’s Poster Fair selections.
The proposal deadline is Wednesday, March 15.
The Banner Parade is Returning!
three children proudly holding their congregation's banner in preparation for the GA banner parade
The Banner Parade is a beloved tradition to kick off General Assembly. For the first time since 2019 we welcome back the traditional procession of banners into the General Session Hall, while including a rolling slideshow of virtual banners. For a fun twist, this year’s Banner Parade will start in the GA Exhibit Hall!
More details to come.
Financial Support for General Assembly
General Assembly Planners are committed to the goal of making the General Assembly accessible to the maximum number of attendees possible. Financial support to attend GA – virtually or in-person – is offered to those with need. These awards are funded through the generosity of General Assembly registrants via donations made during registration.
There are several options for GA discounts and financial support. Watch this video for details.
GA Financial Support Video
Register Now for GA 2023!
Watch this video for an explanation of 2023 GA registration options for in-person or virtual participation.
A link to the video that explains GA Registration Rates
Join us June 21 – 25, 2023 online or in-person in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. General Assembly 2023 will be a multiplatform event, with registration options for in-person and/or virtual participation. In-person registration includes access to events scheduled to take place in Pittsburgh, as well as everything available to virtual registrants. Full virtual registration includes access to the GA app, as well as all on-demand programming, live webinars, and live-streamed events.
In-person registration is $400 for adults, and $300 for high school youth, emerging adults (18-24), and retired and candidate ministers. Full Virtual Registration is $250. Register now and use the payment plan to pay over time. Financial support is also available. In-person registration rates will increase on March 1 and again on May 1.
Spread the Word!
Find yourself struggling to explain GA to friends, family, and fellow congregants? Share this “What is GA?” video with fellow UUs to offer a sneak peek into the GA experience.
In order to raise interest and to help Unitarian Universalist congregations and partner organizations learn more about General Assembly, we have assembled promotional resources to share with your constituents. Feel free to use these materials to share the invitation to GA with your networks. Also, follow our social media platforms for additional updates and announcements to re-post in your feed! Follow us on Twitter @UUAGA or Instagram @UUAgacs.

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